a short shifter for my 1988 BMW 325 (e30)

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As part of my quest to make my e30 tighter and more responsive, I recently installed a short shifter. A short shifter replaces the stock shift lever, reducing the amount of distance you need to move the lever when shifting gears. The reduced distance means faster shifting and a tighter, more precise feel to gear shifting.

The Contenders

I considered the following shortshifter options: With no prior experience to go on, I chose the EVO3 simply because my mechanic recommended it. (Note that I obtain most parts myself, so my mechanic doesn't stand to gain by suggesting higher-priced parts. He knows my tastes and budget and we go from there.)

The Components

My mechanic also needed to replace a worn joint for $75.90 (i don't have the part name or number).

Project Total: $604.24

The Result

The short shifter really tightens the feel of running through the gears, especially compared to the replaced unit, which was badly worn and extremely loose. I can definitely shift faster, and more accurately. I find I'm in the gear I want to be in more efficiently, so the whole car feels more responsive. The short shifter turned out to be pretty expensive, but I'd say it was worth it. All around, it makes the car more fun to drive.