package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import*; // Demonstrates the use of the TextEvent.LINK event in a simplified // chat room example with clickable user names. public class ChatRoom extends Sprite { // A text field containing chat messages private var messages:TextField; public function ChatRoom () { // Create a text field with 'event:' protocol links messages = new TextField(); messages.multiline = true; messages.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; messages.border = true; messages.background = true; messages.htmlText = "Andy says: What's up?
" + "Mike says: I'm busy...
" + "Andy says: Ok see you later"; addChild(messages); // Register with the 'messages' TextField object for // TextEvent.LINK events messages.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, linkListener); } // Executed any time the user clicks an 'event:' protocol link in // the 'messages' TextField object private function linkListener (e:TextEvent):void { // The content of e.text is the full string that follows "event:" in // the href attribute. For example, "privateChat,user1". Here we // split that text into an operation ("privateChat") the // corresponding argument ("user1"). var requestedCommand:Array = e.text.split(","); var operationName:String = requestedCommand[0]; var argument:String = requestedCommand[1]; // If the operation requested is a private chat request, invoke // the requestPrivateChat() method. if (operationName == "privateChat") { requestPrivateChat(argument); } } // Sends a private chat invitation to the specified user private function requestPrivateChat (userID:String):void { trace("Now requesting private chat with " + userID); } } }