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ADD A SITE know a site/mu* that's really neat and useful, and others should check it out? tell me about it, and i'll see about adding it to the list. [warning: you've got to have mail set up to send from your browser to use this form...]

note: i will only add sites/mu*s that have been alive for a minimum of 2 years from the day you submit. sorry bout that but i have had a bunch of new launches submitted that only were alive for a few months, so i decided to keep the list restricted to long term ventures only.

site name  



when was it first posted  

location (country/state)  

contact (name/position)  

a little more description  

add as much detail here as you like. the more informed I can make the review of your site, the more likely I'll add it and people will visit your resource. for MU*s, please include details like number of wizzes, users, guilds, rooms/areas, etc.