The Gazebo

This is the gazebo which adjoins to the arbor from the beginning of the tour. I hope this explains the 2000 bricks. My neighbour's house (in the background) is no longer visible from this view owing to a cedar hedge which adds a couple more feet of privacy each year. This area used to be occupied by an aluminum shed. I was too embarrassed to show a photo. The entire work (brick and wood) took about two years to complete.

The Gazebo Through the Arbor

You're looking into the gazebo through the entrance of the arbor. To the right is a little forest area which simulates the natural style of the bruce peninsula. If you have your screen bright enough, you'll see that the walkway under the arbor sinks down two steps and then goes back up two steps. Though I now think it looks great, I added this feature after my father kept bumping his head on the arbor. It was either lower the walkway or raise the arbor.
Take a look at the gazebo in spring...