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LABELS/ACTIONSCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite  d text_scroller?text scroller cliptweening to your first f CDocumentPagePage 1Scene 1Symbol 5arrowSymbol 2 do_reverseSymbol 4 grey shapeSymbol 1 text clipSymbol 3 text mask CMediaSoundMedia 1tick.wav .\tick.wavK6 @(#hhhhh t timeline. Make a clip with three keyframes. Leave frame one blank. On frame 2 add a tell target of "go to previous frame" with a target of "/text_scroller". On frame 3, add a "goto and play frame 2" action. 10) Place your reversing clip on the text clip timeline and name it "do_reverse". 11) On your "reverse" button in your text movie clip, add a tell target (called by "Press") of "go to and play frame 2" with a target of "do_reverse". 12) On your "reverse" button, add a tell target (called by "R Gill Sans MT"((elease") of "Stop" with a target of "do_reverse". I'll let you figure out how to grey-out the buttons and add the gradient by downloading the .fla file.9?  mk,nA Gill Sans MT"((How to Create Scrolling Text Gill Sans MT"(( Make a movie clip and place it on the main stage. Name the instance "text_scroller". Then, in the clip: 1) Make a single text region that includes the full body of text you want to scroll. 2) Create a rectangle that's twice the height of the text, minus the size of the viewable region you wish to display. 3) Place the rectangle on a layer above your text, and chop out the view region (I normally do that by making a second rectangle, laying it over top of the first one, then deleting it). 4) Add some frames Gill Sans MT"(( to your timeline. The more frames you add, the slower the scrolling. 5) Add a keyframe at the last frame of your text layer. 6) Position your text at its start and end points, and add motion tweening to your first frame. 7) Create buttons to control your text, and place the buttons on the stage. 8) On your "forward" button, add a "play" action called on "Press", and a "stop" action called on "Release". That takes care of scrolling ahead. 9) To scroll back, you need to make a movie clip that reverses play o Gill Sans MT"((n the text timeline. Make a clip with three keyframes. Leave frame one blank. On frame 2 add a tell target of "go to previous frame" with a target of "/text_scroller". On frame 3, add a "goto and play frame 2" action. 10) Place your reversing clip on the text clip timeline and name it "do_reverse". 11) On your "reverse" button in your text movie clip, add a tell target (called by "Press") of "go to and play frame 2" with a target of "do_reverse". 12) On your "reverse" button, add a tell target (called by "R Gill Sans MT"((elease") of "Stop" with a target of "do_reverse". I'll let you figure out how to grey-out the buttons and add the gradient by downloading the .fla file.?text CPicSymboleed:?mask over textB2B2 CPicShapeOszC,0v,0^ODv,0^0, &701x0x:?keylines/shape CPicButton@G d9?N 0`40?button: forwardN040?vG  d  do_reverse  do_reverse9?button: reverse9? beginning?endLABELS/ACTIONS ?NCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite  d text_scroller?text scroller clip CDocumentPagePage 1Scene 1Symbol 2detail 1: do_reverseSymbol 1detail 1: textSymbol 4detail: grey shape (bg for nav)Symbol 3detail: text maskSymbol 5main menu: arrow (left) CMediaSoundMedia 1tick.wav .\tick.wavK6 @(#hhhhh 9?button: reverse9? beginning  !"#$%&')*+,./0123Symbol 15Symbol 4Symbol 3 Symbol 5Media 1.CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicSpriteTTd do_reverse9?movie clip with reverse actionCPicText m,nA Gill Sans MT"((How to Create Scrolling Text Gill Sans MT"(( Make a movie clip and place it on the main stage. Name the instance "text_scroller". Then, in the clip: 1) Make a single text region that includes the full body of text you want to scroll. 2) Create a rectangle that's twice the height of the text, minus the size of the viewable region you wish to display. 3) Place the rectangle on a layer above your text, and chop out the view region (I normally do that by making a second rectangle, laying it over top of the first one, then deleting it). 4) Add some frames Gill Sans MT"(( to your timeline. The more frames you add, the slower the scrolling. 5) Add a keyframe at the last frame of your text layer. 6) Position your text at its start and end points, and add motion tweening to your first frame. 7) Create buttons to control your text, and place the buttons on the stage. 8) On your "forward" button, add a "play" action called on "Press", and a "stop" action called on "Release". That takes care of scrolling ahead. 9) To scroll back, you need to make a movie clip that reverses play o Gill Sans MT"((n the text timeline. Make a clip with three keyframes. Leave frame one blank. On frame 2 add a tell target of "go to previous frame" with a target of "/text_scroller". On frame 3, add a "goto and play frame 2" action. 10) Place your reversing clip on the text clip timeline and name it "do_reverse". 11) On your "reverse" button in your text movie clip, add a tell target (called by "Press") of "go to and play frame 2" with a target of "do_reverse". 12) On your "reverse" button, add a tell target (called by "R Gill Sans MT"((elease") of "Stop" with a target of "do_reverse". I'll let you figure out how to grey-out the buttons and add the fade at the top by downloading the .fla file.9?  mk,nA Gill Sans MT"((How to Create Scrolling Text Gill Sans MT"(( Make a movie clip and place it on the main stage. Name the instance "text_scroller". Then, in the clip: 1) Make a single text region that includes the full body of text you want to scroll. 2) Create a rectangle that's twice the height of the text, minus the size of the viewable region you wish to display. 3) Place the rectangle on a layer above your text, and chop out the view region (I normally do that by making a second rectangle, laying it over top of the first one, then deleting it). 4) Add some frames Gill Sans MT"(( to your timeline. The more frames you add, the slower the scrolling. 5) Add a keyframe at the last frame of your text layer. 6) Position your text at its start and end points, and add motion tweening to your first frame. 7) Create buttons to control your text, and place the buttons on the stage. 8) On your "forward" button, add a "play" action called on "Press", and a "stop" action called on "Release". That takes care of scrolling ahead. 9) To scroll back, you need to make a movie clip that reverses play o Gill Sans MT"((n the text timeline. Make a clip with three keyframes. Leave frame one blank. On frame 2 add a tell target of "go to previous frame" with a target of "/text_scroller". On frame 3, add a "goto and play frame 2" action. 10) Place your reversing clip on the text clip timeline and name it "do_reverse". 11) On your "reverse" button in your text movie clip, add a tell target (called by "Press") of "go to and play frame 2" with a target of "do_reverse". 12) On your "reverse" button, add a tell target (called by "R Gill Sans MT"((elease") of "Stop" with a target of "do_reverse". I'll let you figure out how to grey-out the buttons and add the gradient by downloading the .fla file.?text CPicSymboleed:?mask over textB2B2 CPicShapeOszC,0v,0^ODv,0^0, &701x0x:?keylines/shape CPicButton@G d9?N 0`40?button: forwardN040?vG  d  do_reverse  do_reverse9?button: reverse9? beginning?endLABELS/ACTIONS do_reverse". I'll let you figure out how to grey-out the buttons and add the gradient by downloading